My Xmas List
So I got around to putting together a list of the things I'm looking for for Xmas. I suspect I'll buy 90% of these things myself :)
[Mike's Xmas List]
Living the dream baby!
So I got around to putting together a list of the things I'm looking for for Xmas. I suspect I'll buy 90% of these things myself :)
Just in time for the holiday season, Yahoo just released the Shoposphere, a community based list of shopping pick lists. The way it works is, any registered Yahoo user can setup a list of their favorite items found on Yahoo Shopping. These lists can be themed, so that particular shoppers can get gift ideas based on the theme of the list.
Lots of things going on right now, so I’ll try to provide the abridged entry:
Still here. No time to write much. Very busy trying to get a product launched at work.