Big Boy Bed

Ry Ry isn’t a baby anymore. He’s officially a little kid, now complete with his very own big boy bed. After scaling his crib a couple weeks ago, we decided to upgrade to a bed so he won’t break his neck falling out of his crib. So after scouring Craigslist for a week or so, we found the perfect bed for him.
It’s a little blue racing car job that is the perfect fit for him. He has fallen out of it a couple of times in the middle of the night, but he digs it nonetheless. It is his “racecardbed!”
Sonya is dealing with it better than I expected. Tearing down the crib is going to be tough on both of us, because it’s the last time we’ll have a baby in the family. We haven’t removed the crib from his room yet, mainly because we have no place to put it, but there’s still no rush.

As for the new blue race car, I’d love to paint it like Mark Martin’s #6, complete with sponsorship logos, but Sonya won’t let me.
“My son is not going to have ‘Viagra’ painted on the side of his bed,” she said emphatically to me.
What’s wrong with a Viagra sponsorship? It’s a cool paint scheme. We’ll just have to work on her a bit. I’m sure she’ll warm up to the idea sooner or later.