The family went down to Southern California this past week to spend three days at Dineyland. The kids love it, I'm starting to grow more tired of it. I think I have Disney fatigue.
We went from temps in the high 70's on day 1 to wet and mid 50's by day 3. We decided to go midweek to beat the crowds, but the lines were actually worse on Wednesday. By Friday, they were manageable, but the rain overnight probably had something to do with that.
We hooked up with our friends the Holdens, who were also down there for the week.
Here is a video I shot of Ry on the Tower of Terror ride. This is a simulated elevator that shoots up 10 stories, than bounces from floor to floor. No need to correct you monitor...the first few seconds are dark, because we're in a pitch black elevator shaft. Best viewed with sound. When the light shines on his face, we're at the 9th or 10th floor, where a door opens, looking over the entire resort. I think that's when he realizes how high he is...

Here are some of the
[photos from the trip]Labels: Christmas 2007, Disneyland