Not only am I old, now I’m decrepit. I started having back issues about a year ago, so I decided to see a doctor. After some basic treatment (which didn’t work) I had an MRI done, which revealed that I have a severely herniated disk in my lower back (between my L4 and L5 vertebra). The pain in my back was annoying, but not debilitating, so I decided to manage it with stretching and ibuprofen whenever it got really bad.
About 4 weeks ago, I got up one morning and something had changed. The pain was different, and it started to actually hurt. Over the course of the next day or two, the pain got to the point where it was interfering my ability to focus on anything. I went back to the doctor, who added little, other than a reminder that I have a herniated disk and that there are still a couple of options that I have available.
1) start physical therapy
2) have a cortisone epidural in my spine
3) go under the knife to correct the problem
Given my affinity for puncture free skin, I opted for physical therapy. I’ve been to two sessions so far and am scheduled to attend six more over the next three weeks.
Its lots of stretching and ice, but today I got a real treat. Traction! That word just sounds so medieval. They strap me down with onto a table with these huge Velcro jobs at the waist and chest. The lower strap is attached to some mechanism which pulls my hips toward my feet, while my chest is kept in a stationary position.
Remarkably, the whole deal made my back feel better…for about an hour. Then I got home, sat down, and the pain came right back.
What I’ve found to be the most interesting thing about this whole ordeal, is that it seems like every tenth person that I talk to has gone through the same problem. Some have had surgery, and some have resolved the issue by simply laying flat on their back from anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. Not sure I have the luxury of laying flat on my back fro 6 weeks, but I am considering the shorter duration.
Who knew so many other people were as decrepit as I am.
Sonya keeps telling me to be patient, but it’s been tough. I never realized how many things a bad back prevents you from doing.