Ry Ry turns the big 2

Holy smokes, I can’t believe it’s been almost a month since I last posted anything on this blog. A lot has happened over the last few weeks. Most notably, Ry Ry turned 2! The big guy has officially crossed over into the not-so-terrible-twos. I say that because he’s a pretty good little kid.
Granted, he has his moments, but he’s such an easy going kid that you can’t really say that’s he’s a grumpy two-year-old. I took him to a Sharks game with my dad last week and he was great. He sat in his seat for most of the game, cheered like every other fan, and learned to do the “Chomp”!
It was nice to get in a little father-son time. It was even better to get in some father-son-grandfather time. We had a great time…d the Sharks clinched a playoff spot.
We celebrated his party with a few friends and their kids at Off the Wall, the indoor soccer complex in Santa Clara. We reserved the kids mini-soccer field, so the kids could go nuts. The party was originally supposed to be outside at one of the parks near our house, but we’ve received so much rain (and there was rain in the forecast on his birthday) that we decided to move it indoors to be safe.

Sonya staged an egg hunt on the soccer field (this is an astro-turf field enclosed by hockey-style boards). We hid the egg behind 15 or so soccer balls, in the goals, and on the tops of the boards. It turned into a sprint for all the exposed eggs!
The party was also race car themed, so we had a race-car-soccer-Easter-egg-hunt-birthday party. You can’t say we’re not creative parents.
[More Party Photos]
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