Ski Week

The cabin we rented was fantastic. It was a two story deal with three bedrooms (one complete with two sets of bunk beds for the kinds), kitchen, dining area and cozy living room. The kids had a blast, although only Ryan seemed to appreciate the sledding course that Steve and I setup for the kids outside.
We got in two days of skiing at Bear. The weather was great, and the snow had a fresh dusting, so it was another great ski day. Sonya and I traded off skiing while one watched Ryan. He was chomping at the bit to try out the skiing thing, so Sonya rented the little guy some skis at the resort.

To our surprise, he took to the whole thing like a mad man. Turning be damned, just point his tips down hill and let’er rip! I couldn’t believe it. He’s 22-months old, and skiing for crying out loud! And he digs it! We didn’t force him into lessons or anything.
So now we have two little shredders in the family. Karsyn continues to get better and better on skis. I was racing her by the end of the second day. We skied several black diamond runs over the course of the two days, including a run down Bear’s terrain park. That girl is fearless.

We ran into several folks on the slopes, including Brad & Lindi (and kids Erin and JT), Chris S and her son Mathew, and one of Karsyn’s former pre-school classmates. I was surprised at how empty the resort was. Can’t complain however, because it meant zero wait time on the slopes.
[Photo Album]
Video: Ryan Shredding
Video: Ryan's Ski Run
Video: Karsyn Sizing Up a Jump
Video: Chasing Karsyn Down the Hill
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