Living the dream baby!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Battle Rages On

So if you want a glimpse into the battle raging between Yahoo, Google, Microshaft and the pool of wannabes out there, be sure to check out sites like WebProNews. You'll get nice snippets of the back and forth product wrangling that these companies are tussling over. It's really an intriguing time in the evolution of the internet.

Self expression is evolving into the great unabashed voice that everyone thought the internet was going to be all about, just five years after the fact. Paid inclusion is turning over revenues in the billions. Amazing stuff, but the best is yet to come. Convergence, accessibility and breadth of information will evolve in ways that nobody could have imagined just two or three years ago. This is simply the dawn of the information age, so embrace it, because you're immersed in it.

Another cool resource for info (especially on Yahoo related news) is Jeremy Zawodny's blog. Jeremy is one of the engineering geniuses at Yahoo, who is also gifted enough to convey his views on technology in a comprehensive and interesting style.

If you're interested in reading about some of the happenings in the world of search, Yahoo also publishes a product blog on the topic.


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