Standing Tall

Now comes the hard part
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It’s time to batten down the hatches and get locks back on all the bottom cabinets throughout the house because Ryan is a crawling machine and started standing (with the help of something to hold on to) this week. The little guy will be scaling things before long, which is not necessarily a good thing. Lots of new things to get into and explore, which translates to much more to worry about for mom and dad.
Sonya took him for his first spin around the block on the back of her bike (in a kid’s seat mounted to the back of her mountain bike). Karsyn has been riding her bike to school for months now, so Sonya decided to bike with her, and took Ryan along for the ride.
Karsyn was extremely proud of herself, because she got to ride her bike on the street. Grandparents, please refrain from picking up the phone to yell at us for allowing Karsyn to ride her bike on the street! Sonya rode right along side her, they took side streets, and walked their bikes across all major crossings (or so I’m told).

The Xbox Queen
Karsyn also recently received a gift from her friend Ayla, a Barbie Horse riding game for Xbox. We spent an evening this week trying to figure out how to help Barbie round up a bunch of missing horses from the riding stable she frequents. Not quite Halo2 or Ghost Recon, but Karsyn seems to like it. There are no aliens to blast or rouge mercenaries to kill, so this is one of the many Xbox titles that Karsyn can actually play.

Helping Barbi round up ponies
Note to self: Need to make sure the Barbi game is clearly marked as Karsyn’s so it’s obvious that this isn’t a part of my library of shooters and sports games.
And yes, that is a tatoo on Karsyn's arm. Our little Courtney Love got a three pack of tatoos from Grandma, and guess what, they next to permanent. Nothing like having a little Angelina Jolie scampering around the house. Maybe Uncle Gary can loan her a pack of smokes to make the new makeover complete.
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