Three bits
Haven’t had much time to post any new news as of late. I spent the entire weekend in bed with the flu, which was miserable to say the least. It seems that it gets worse each winter, and the recovery process is more and more painful each year. Perhaps I should start taking vitamins?
I did want to share some cool happenings. First off, I think I mentioned that Karsyn lost her first tooth. Now I have the pictures to prove it. Check out ole’ toof-less. She earned a whole dollar from the toofus fairy. Her harabojee (Anglecized Korean word for grandfather) was the first to point out that he expected the toofus fairy to kick down more than a buck.

Miss Toofless
Sonya and I also enjoyed dinner with some friends last weekend. Tom & Dafna Brown, and Steve & Tracy Vezian joined us for a night on the town. We supped at Kuleto’s at the Hotel Los Gatos. Good food, great wine, better company.

The look so relieved
And finally, the Ryno, is now ‘Ryno the wounded frog’. At least that’s the moniker his mother has given him after seeing him crawl for the first time. He drags a leg, which closely resembles, well, a wounded frog. You have to see it to really see what she’s talking about, but trust me, it’s accurate.

The Wounded Frog
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