The Money Pit

Not all Spam is bad
Sonya and I spent the better part of Sunday checking out home remodeling options at Expo, and then attempting to start work on our new floor plan. For those that haven’t heard, we’re considering a major remodel of our house. This plan comes courtesy of Prop 13, which would have quadrupled our property tax had we actually purchased a home in any of the areas that we’ve been looking.
Our neighborhood isn’t bad, and we love the schools, so the remodel is looking more and more like a reality. It will however be overwhelming. There are so many things to consider, that’s almost not worth it. The kitchen alone is probably going to drive me over the edge.
We’re contemplating a basement, which will serve as the game room / office, similar to the one our friends Brad & Lindi put in a couple of years ago. We’re also going to raise the ceilings throughout the new floor plan which should do wonders for the confined feeling our current house has.
If you know of a good architect, structural engineer, interior designer, contractor and / or basement specialist, let us know. We’re looking to break ground this Fall (Sonya is thinking more realistically, and is hoping for this time next year.
Emma Alert
We also got word that my kid sister went into labor tonight, so I’ll be an uncle for the second time over within the next few hours. I’m hoping that Michelle will pump baby Emma out a little faster than Connor. She was in labor for six or seven weeks with him (at least that’s what it probably felt like to Chris!)
Looking forward to welcoming my new niece to the family. I already told Michelle that I would be referring to her as Emma-C-Hammer. Her older cousin Karsyn is glad to have another girl in the family.
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