A Christmas Tradition
Sonya and I started our own little Christmas tradition back in 1994, and this year marks the 11th time we’ll attempt to top the previous year. The tradition consists of putting together some sort of goofy Christmas card. After ten years of this, people are starting to ask when they’ll be getting their car and what the theme is. We’ve never revealed the theme before the card is mailed out, and this year is no exception.
I decided to put together a recap of all the cards we’ve done in the past, with some comments on each card. Here they are in chronological order [click on each photo for a larger version]:

1994 – This is what started it all. Sonya and I were trying to think of some way to put together a card that incorporated our two “kids”, Bama and Zoey. Bama was forced to audition for the part of Santa Clause and Zoey played the part of Mrs. Clause. I threw my glasses on Zoey’s nose as a spur of the moment thing, and they just happened to slide to the tip of her nose as the shot was taken. A moment in time that turned out to be perfect. Santa’s beard is made out of cotton balls and rubber bands. It took about 40 shots to get that one perfect picture.

1995 – Sonya came up with the idea to leave milk & “cookies” for Santa. We let the dogs do the rest. Easiest photo shoot we've had in ten years.

1996 – This is the first and only appearance that the real Santa Clause has made in the series. Both dogs were on their best behavior for this one. When I was scanning these photos the other day, Karsyn asked me “who took the picture?” and if Santa “scared the dogs?” I told her that one of Santa’s elves snapped the photo and left us a copy.

1997 – This marked the first year we implemented the use of environmental controls for the photo shoot. “Rudolph” was not enamored with her bright red nose or antlers, and Santa Dog wasn’t too thrilled about sitting in a little red wagon which rocked every time he shifted his weight. We decided to crank up the heater in order to settle them both down. They were panting like, well, like dogs.

1998 – We really tested our patience for this card. Getting two 90 pound dogs to stay wrapped up like big presents was a challenge to say the least. From the looks of it, Bama would have probably preferred an ice cold bath. Both dogs are indeed wrapped up in big boxes. No digital photography magic or special effects for this one.

1999 – Karsyn makes her first appearance in 1999, playing the role of the baby Jesus. Zoey plays the Virgin Mary, but she looks more like Marty Feldman or a character from Monty Python’s Life of Brian. My sister Michelle “helped” with this shoot, the first and only time we’ve allowed an outsider to participate. This shot was taken a few minutes after Karsyn rolled out of the manger, landing face first on the hard wood floors. We spared no expense in setting up this shot. Notice the cardboard manger fencing and the authentic road marker, pointing the way to Bethlehem.

2000 – We tried to get cute in this shot by having a then one year old Karsyn peek up the chimney to see if Santa was coming. The dogs were yelled at so many times for this shot that they finally decided to park it like a couple of mantle pieces.

2001 – This was the saddest Christmas card we’ve had in the series, because it was the first one that doesn’t include Zoey as one of the center pieces of the shot. She decided to pursue the life of a vagabond and is busy “touring the country.” She is however included in the shot (and has been included in every shot over the ten years). Can you find her?

2002 – Having a three year old in the house means mayhem when it comes to decorating a Christmas tree. We got the idea for this card while actually trying to get the tree setup that year. This also marked the first year I used a digital camera to take the photo. Note to anyone who wishes to replicate this type of shot: Dogs do not like being wrapped in sparkly colored lights. Can you find Zoey?

2003 – This shot marked the first appearance of baby Ryan. He’s about four months past conception in this shot, and already a budding star! This shot also has the largest number of “cast members”, including Sonya, who makes her only appearance to date. The other participants include: Karsyn, Ryan, Bama and of course Zoey (can you find her?).

2004 – We’re busy putting the final touches on this year’s shot, so I can’t give away the surprise just yet. Be sure to check your mail for the 2004 edition of Mike & Sonya’s Christmas Tradition.
Happy Holidays.
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