OK, I checked out Talkr after Chris Brooks comment on my blog regarding the issue I had with them not supporting Atom.
His response:
"While you're correct that we don't currently support Atom feeds, there is a free and simple workaround to this (if you're interested). If you setup a free feed with FeedBurner ( and then point Talkr to this new feed, FeedBurner will serve us an RSS feed. (You get lots of other benefits for using FeedBurner, so you might be interested, even if you decide not to use Talkr.)"
I gave it a try, but the system was buggy. I sent him an email indicating that the Feedburner solution was a lousy solution and that if Talkr thinks the avg user is going to jump through those kind of hoops, they're in for a long year. I got this response:
"Yes, Atom support is on the list -- and you're right, expecting people to use FeedBurner will certainly reduce the number of people that will use Talkr. I'm expecting our tech bandwidth to increase shortly, and hopefully that will allow us to traverse our roadmap more quickly!"
So after going the Feedburner route, I was able to get my blog to work on Talkr. I have to say that the conversion quality to audio is pretty awesome. Talkr has an issue with some words (surprisingly NOT as many proper nouns as I would have expected), but the overall quality is pretty darn impressive.
Kudos for Talkr employees taking the time to answer email regarding their product. I miss the startup days sometimes.
Create an account on Talkr, then checkout my blog on Talkr:

We sorry you encountered trouble using FeedBurner. We haven't had any technical problems with our service recently, so I'd like to find out what about your experience was problematic and see if we can offer any solutions or explanations. We like to make sure that services we offer to help you use your feed with other services are reliable, and we have a number of people using FeedBurner feeds with Talkr, so your situation should not be unique, nor should we let any problem you encountered slide.
Please feel free to respond in the comments or contact me directly -- matts AT
Thanks for your patience and for posting about your experience; we will try to help you out!
10:02 AM
Thanks for the post, but the issue was with Talkr, not Feedburner. Your service was doing everything it should have been doing. The Talkr folks rectified the problem and the combination of the Feedburner feed and the Talkr service are working fine.
1:00 PM
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