I Love July

I love July. It's my favorite month of the year. Yes, my birthday falls in July, but that's not the reason I love it. July to me means spending time with the family and friends, being outside, warm sunny days, the beach, baseball games, and vacations.
The 4th of July is my favorite holiday. It reminds me of being a kid. I love fireworks. Fireworks remind me of my childhood, lighting them off in the street with all the neighbors kids. The 4th of July means the Redwwod City Parade, which I love, no matter how grumpy it makes Sonya.
July means cherries, which means cherry pie...my favorite dessert. July means the San Jose Grand Prix...a big time race in my own backyard!
July means going to places like Pine Crest Lake, one of my favorite camping places in the world. We spent a few days there the year before last with our friends and all the kids. This year, we're going to Sunset Beach to camp for three days...in July.
July means I can wear shorts and not get funny looks from people (like I do when I wear shorts in December). July means flip flops, which I have recently been reintroduced to.
July means the baseball and the All Star Game. I used to think they were playing the All Star Game in honor of my birthday whan I was a kid. At least, I used to tell people that. My birthday typically falls within a week of the all Star Game, so there must be a connection!
July means fun in the sun. There's always something to do in July.
I love July.
[More 4th of July Photos]
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